Special Agent Squeaky

Crie um visualizador de áudio usando HTML, CSS e JavaScript básicos

Como criar um visualizador de áudio horizontal, passo a passo, do zero, usando HTML básico, CSS e JavaScript!
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Watch the video

If you don't want to read this written guide, feel free to watch the video!

Adding an item to your scene

An Item is basically just a (transparent) PNG image you add to your scene. What is amazing is that VTube Studio actually bundles a lot of free items you can use.
To add an item, simply click on the small green circle with the white star in it.
Small green button with a little white star in it
This will open up a list of items you can add (all the bundle items and any custom item you might have added yourself) and simply select the item you want to add.
After you have selected an item, an "item order" setting will appear. Here you basically just adjust the z-order of the item (compared to your model and all other items).
  • <0 (less than zero) is behind your model
  • 0 (zero) is your model
  • >0 (more than zero) is in-front of your model
The reason why it is between -30 to +30 is because if you have a lot of items on your scene, you can fine-tune the order for each item.

Move and scale an item

Just like with your model, you can scale/zoom in and out the item and move it around the scene.
Item help

Attach an item to your model

You can attach an item to your model, meaning it will move around and follow the body movement if your model. This is a really cool effect if the item is somehow a part of your model.
Item attached
To do this, simply drag the item on your model. To disconnect it, simply drag the item away again from your model.

Deleting an item

To delete an item from your scene, simply drag it to the bottom right corner.
Item delete

Adding a custom item to VTube Studio (Steam edition)

If you want to add your own custom item into your scene, you cannot do this within the application, but in Windows. As you remember, items are just PNG images, so we just need to find where all these images are stored on your computer.
To locate the folder with all the items;
  • Right click on "VTube Studio" item in Steam
  • Pick "Properties..."
  • Pick "LOCAL FILES" and then "Browse..."
  • This will open up your installation folder, from there go into "VTube Studio_Data", "StreamingAssets" and finally "Items"
VTube Studio items disk location
To add a custom item, simply copy over your PNG image into this folder.
Your item should now be searchable in VTube Studio.

Adding an animated item

VTube Studio doesn't support GIF images, but it still support animated items by placing each item image frame, as a PNG, into a folder.
VTube Studio animated item as PNG frames
So, if you have a GIF which you want to use in VTube Studio, you could split them up using a tool such as EZGIF.com.
Simply upload your GIF there and then pick "Output images in PNG format" and once it is done, download the zip-archive and place it into the VTube Studio items folder.
How to split a GIF to PNG frame images
Your animated item should now be searchable in VTube Studio.

Read the VTube Studio documentation for more info

I actually learnt this by reading the official VTube Studio documentation (which is a PDF, which is a bit weird in my opinion in 20201).
So if you want to learn more about the details of VTube Studio and how items work and what you can do with them, feel free to check out the documentation!
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